Salesforce-Sales-Representative Exam Questions

Total 126 Questions

Last Updated Exam : 22-Oct-2024

A sales representative has a customer who is indecisive about the proposed solution and hesitant to close the contract.

How should the sales rep convince the customer to find the solution invaluable and close the contract?

A. Offer promotional discounts.

B. Bundle additional products.

C. Extend a free trial.

  Extend a free trial.

A sales representative is engaging in a discovery conversation with a prospect. Which approach should the sales rep take during this conversation?

A. Ask open-ended questions to understand the prospect's challenges and goals.

B. Present the history and innovation of their company in bringing new products to market.

C. Share the information gathered from online research about the customer's company.

  Ask open-ended questions to understand the prospect's challenges and goals.

Explanation: Asking open-ended questions to understand the prospect’s challenges and goals is the approach that the sales rep should take during a discovery conversation with a prospect. A discovery conversation is a conversation that helps to uncover information about the prospect’s situation, needs, pain points, and objectives. Asking open-ended questions is an effective way to elicit detailed and meaningful responses from the prospect, as well as to show interest and empathy for their challenges and goals.

A sales representative plans to attend a large industry conference. How can the sales rep ensure the largest return on investment for attending the conference?

A. Set up meet and greet opportunities with attendees.

B. Develop a targeted plan and coordinate a series of touchpoints.

C. Attend as many networking events as possible.

  Develop a targeted plan and coordinate a series of touchpoints.

Which factor can the sales representative focus on to win the customer first and support their sales quota long term?

A. Product evangelism

B. Maximizing opportunities

C. Customer experience

  Customer experience

Explanation: Customer experience is the factor that the sales representative can focus on to win the customer first and support their sales quota long term, because it is the sum of all the interactions and emotions that the customer has with the sales representative and the company throughout the sales cycle and beyond. A positive customer experience can lead to customer satisfaction, loyalty, retention, and advocacy, which can result in repeat purchases, referrals, and testimonials. Product evangelism and maximizing opportunities are not the best answers, because they are more focused on the sales representative’s own goals and interests, rather than the customer’s. Product evangelism is about promoting the product’s features and benefits, but it may not address the customer’s specific needs or challenges. Maximizing opportunities is about increasing the contract value or volume, but it may not align with the customer’s budget or expectations.

A customer has questions about the features of one product they are evaluating. What is the first step the sales representative should take to address this?

A. Supply product references.

B. Schedule new product demo.

C. Dispatch service technician.

  Supply product references.

Explanation: Supplying product references is the first step that the sales rep should take to address a customer’s questions about the features of one product they are evaluating. Product references are testimonials or case studies from existing customers who have used the product and can vouch for its features and benefits. Product references help to answer questions, provide proof points, build trust and credibility, and influence purchase decisions.

A company is struggling to acquire new customers. After careful analysis, it realizes its value proposition is not resonating with potential customers, so it develops a new value proposition.
Which metric should the company use to track the effectiveness of the new value proposition?

A. Lead quality score

B. Customer satisfaction score

C. Lead conversion rate

  Lead conversion rate

Explanation: Lead conversion rate is a metric that the company should use to track the effectiveness of the new value proposition. A value proposition is a statement that summarizes how the product can solve the customer’s problems, fulfill their needs, and provide them with benefits that outweigh the costs. Lead conversion rate is a measure of how many leads (prospects who have shown interest in the product) become customers (prospects who have bought the product). Lead conversion rate helps to evaluate how well the value proposition resonates with potential customers and influences their purchase decisions.

After a successful sale of their latest software product, a sales representative wants to nurture their long-term relationship with the customer by driving product adoption.

What success metric for product adoption can the sales rep use?

A. Session duration

B. User login rates

C. Number of users assigned a license

  User login rates

Explanation: User login rates are a valuable success metric for product adoption, as they indicate the frequency and regularity with which customers are engaging with the software. High login rates typically suggest that users find the product valuable and are integrating it into their daily workflows. Salesforce advocates monitoring engagement metrics like login rates to gauge product adoption and to identify opportunities for further customer support and training, ensuring customers derive maximum value from their products.

What should the sales rep focus on to create and maintain a trusted connection that supports the customer's strategic priorities and requirements?

A. Industry

B. Business

C. People


Explanation: People are what the sales rep should focus on to create and maintain a trusted connection that supports the customer’s strategic priorities and requirements. People are the individuals or groups who are involved in or affected by the customer’s business decisions, such as stakeholders, decision makers, influencers, end users, etc. Focusing on people helps to understand their roles, needs, goals, preferences, and emotions, as well as to build rapport, trust, and loyalty with them.

When a sales representative faces an objection, what is an effective first step to overcome it?

A. Provide an additional demonstration based on the objection.

B. Explain policies and procedures that solve the objection.

C. Acknowledge the objection and ask follow-up questions.

  Acknowledge the objection and ask follow-up questions.

A sales representative wants to gain access to new buyers by leveraging people who are loyal to them, likely to recommend their solution, and well respected in their organization.

Which type of customer does the sales rep want to target?

A. Supportive

B. Champion

C. Favorable


Explanation: A champion is a type of customer who is loyal to the sales rep, likely to recommend their solution, and well respected in their organization. A champion can help the sales rep gain access to new buyers by influencing their decision-making process, providing referrals and testimonials, and advocating for the solution within their organization.

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