Salesforce-Sales-Representative Exam Questions

Total 126 Questions

Last Updated Exam : 22-Oct-2024

A sales representative compiled research about a prospect. The sales rep is now ready to set up an initial collaboration session with the prospect.
Which session type should the sales rep hold with the prospect?

A. Negotiation

B. Renewal

C. Discovery


A sales representative wants to track which opportunities in their pipeline contain items that customers need for an event next month.

How does tracking this help the sales rep manage risk?

A. These deals must be assigned a surcharge.

B. These deals can be expedited it required.

C. These deals can move to the next stage.

  These deals can be expedited it required.

Explanation: Tracking which opportunities in their pipeline contain items that customers need for an event next month helps the sales rep manage risk by allowing them to expedite these deals if required. Expediting means accelerating or speeding up the delivery or completion of these deals to meet the customer’s urgent or specific needs. Expediting helps to ensure customer satisfaction, loyalty, and retention, as well as to increase revenue and profitability.

What are the four elements of emotional intelligence?

A. Plan, engage, execute, and close

B. Discover, define, design, and deliver

C. Self-awareness, self-management, empathy, and skilled relationships

  Self-awareness, self-management, empathy, and skilled relationships

Explanation: Self-awareness, self-management, empathy, and skilled relationships are the four elements of emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence is the ability to understand and manage one’s own emotions and those of others. Emotional intelligence helps to improve communication, collaboration, and influence in sales.

A sales representative wants to show a prospect the value of their product or service. Which type of document should the sales rep provide to the prospect?

A. Sales proposal

B. Marketing whitepaper

C. Whitespace analysis

  Sales proposal

Explanation: A sales proposal is a document that outlines the benefits and features of a product or service, as well as the pricing and terms of the deal. A sales proposal is designed to persuade the prospect to buy from the sales rep by showing them the value of the solution and how it meets their needs. A sales proposal should be customized to the specific prospect and their situation, and should include a clear call to action.

What measure will yield the most actionable information about an organization's territory model success?

A. Organization-defined key metric

B. Annualized Contract Value

C. Pipeline

  Organization-defined key metric

Explanation: An organization-defined key metric is a measure that will yield the most actionable information about an organization’s territory model success. An organization- defined key metric is a specific and relevant indicator that reflects how well the territory model is aligned with the organization’s goals and strategies, such as market share, customer satisfaction, revenue growth, etc. An organization-defined key metric helps to evaluate performance, identify gaps and opportunities, and optimize results.

A forecast is based on the rollup of a set of opportunities. What are three dimensions in a forecast rollup?

A. Contacts, product family, and revenue

B. Time, categories, and territories

C. Quotes, contacts, and territories

  Time, categories, and territories

Explanation: A forecast is a projection of how much revenue you can generate in a quarter. A forecast rollup is the aggregation of a set of opportunities based on three dimensions: time, categories, and territories. Time refers to the fiscal period, such as month or quarter, that the forecast covers. Categories refer to the stages of the sales process, such as commit, best case, or pipeline. Territories refer to the sales regions or markets that the forecast applies to.

Why is it important for a sales representative to follow their company's sales methodology?

A. Creates consistent vision across sellers

B. Understands different approaches for achieving the same goal

C. Develops a better pipeline for growth

  Creates consistent vision across sellers

A company uses the BANT model for sales qualification. What does BANT indicate to sales representatives?

A. The proposed approach meets the criteria of being Bold, Ambitious, Noteworthy, and Thorough.

B. The deal is Beneficial, Acceptable to line management, Narrow in scope, and commercially Tight for sound legal management.

C. The prospective contact has Budget and Authority to buy, has Need for the product, and the Timing is right.

  The prospective contact has Budget and Authority to buy, has Need for the product, and the Timing is right.

A sales representative is assigned to high-value prospects. What can the sales rep do to gain their interest?

A. Identify potential trigger events as the reason to reach out to prospects.

B. Connect with customers associated with the prospect on social media.

C. Focus on personal details when communicating with the prospect.

  Identify potential trigger events as the reason to reach out to prospects.

Explanation: Identifying potential trigger events as the reason to reach out to prospects is what the sales rep can do to gain their interest when assigned to high-value prospects. A trigger event is an occurrence or change that creates an opportunity or need for a product or service, such as a merger, expansion, launch, etc. Identifying trigger events helps to show relevance, timeliness, and value to the prospects, as well as to capture their attention and curiosity.

A sales representative is working on an opportunity that has recently progressed to a more advanced stage in the deal lifecycle.

Which action should the sales rep take to ensure accurate forecasting?

A. Continue forecasting based on the previous stage until the deal closes.

B. Focus on unrelated opportunities and assume the current opportunity will close.

C. Update the opportunity's stage and forecast category to reflect the recent progress.

  Update the opportunity's stage and forecast category to reflect the recent progress.

Explanation: Updating the opportunity’s stage and forecast category to reflect the recent progress is what the sales rep should do to ensure accurate forecasting. An opportunity is a qualified prospect who has a high probability of buying the product. An opportunity stage is a measure of how far along the opportunity is in the sales process, such as prospecting, qualification, proposal, negotiation, etc. A forecast category is a measure of how likely the opportunity is to close as won, such as pipeline, best case, commit, closed, etc. Updating the opportunity’s stage and forecast category helps to reflect the current status and potential outcome of the opportunity, as well as to provide a realistic and reliable prediction of future sales revenue.

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