Salesforce-AI-Associate Exam Questions

Total 106 Questions

Last Updated Exam : 17-Oct-2024

Cloud Kicks wants to use Einstein Prediction Builder to determine a customer’s likelihood of buying specific products; however, data quality is a _____________. How can data quality be assessed quality?

A. Build a Data Management Strategy.

B. Build reports to expire the data quality.

C. Leverage data quality apps from AppExchange

  Leverage data quality apps from AppExchange

Explanation: Data quality apps from the AppExchange can help Cloud Kicks assess and improve their data quality, which is essential for accurate predictions using Einstein Prediction Builder. 

Cloud Kicks wants to create a custom service analytics application to analyze cases in Salesforce. The application should rely on accurate data to ensure efficient case resolution. Which data quality dimension is essential for this custom application?

A. Age

B. Duplication

C. Consistency


What are the key components of the data quality standard?

A. Naming, formatting, Monitoring

B. Accuracy, Completeness, Consistency

C. Reviewing, Updating, Archiving

  Accuracy, Completeness, Consistency

Explanation: “Accuracy, Completeness, Consistency are the key components of the data quality standard. Data quality standard is a set of criteria or measures that define and evaluate the quality of data for a specific purpose or task. Data quality standard can vary by industry, domain, or application, but some common components are accuracy, completeness, and consistency.

Accuracy means that the data values are correct and valid for the data attribute. Completeness means that the data values are not missing any relevant information for the data attribute. Consistency means that the data values are uniform and follow a common standard or format across different records, fields, or sources.”

A healthcare company implements an algorithm to analyze patient data and assist in medical diagnosis. Which primary role does data Quality play In this AI application?

A. Enhanced accuracy and reliability of medical predictions and diagnoses

B. Ensured compatibility of AI algorithms with the system's Infrastructure

C. Reduced need for healthcare expertise in interpreting AI outouts

  Enhanced accuracy and reliability of medical predictions and diagnoses

Explanation: “Data quality plays a crucial role in enhancing the accuracy and reliability of medical predictions and diagnoses. Poor data quality can lead to inaccurate or misleading results, which can have serious consequences for patients’ health and well-being. Therefore, it is important to ensure that the data used for AI applications in healthcare is accurate, complete, consistent, and relevant.”

Which type of bias imposes a system ‘s values on others?

A. Societal

B. Automation

C. Association


Explanation: “Societal bias is the type of bias that imposes a system’s values on others. Societal bias is a type of bias that reflects the assumptions, norms, or values of a specific society or culture. Societal bias can affect the fairness and ethics of AI systems, as they may affect how different groups or domains are perceived, treated, or represented by AI systems. For example, societal bias can occur when AI systems impose a system’s values on others, such as using Western standards of beauty or success to judge or rank people from other cultures.”

Which statement exemplifies Salesforces honesty guideline when training AI models?

A. Minimize the AI models carbon footprint and environment impact during training.

B. Ensure appropriate consent and transparency when using AI-generated responses.

C. Control bias, toxicity, and harmful content with embedded guardrails and guidance.

  Ensure appropriate consent and transparency when using AI-generated responses.

“Ensuring appropriate consent and transparency when using AI-generated responses is a statement that exemplifies Salesforce’s honesty guideline when training AI models. Salesforce’s honesty guideline is one of the Trusted AI Principles that states that AI systems should be designed and developed with respect for honesty and integrity in how they work and what they produce.

Ensuring appropriate consent and transparency means respecting and honoring the choices and preferences of users regarding how their data is used or generated by AI systems. Ensuring appropriate consent and transparency also means providing clear and accurate information and documentation about the AI systems and their outputs.”

What is the key difference between generative and predictive AI?

A. Generative AI creates new content based on existing data and predictive AI analyzes existing data.

B. Generative AI finds content similar to existing data and predictive AI analyzes existing data.

C. Generative AI analyzes existing data and predictive AI creates new content based on existing data.

  Generative AI creates new content based on existing data and predictive AI analyzes existing data.


The key difference between generative and predictive AI is that generative AI creates new content based on existing data and predictive AI analyzes existing data. Generative AI is a type of AI that can generate novel content such as images, text, music, or video based on existing data or inputs. Predictive AI is a type of AI that can analyze existing data or inputs and make predictions or recommendations based on patterns or trends.”

Which action introduces bias in the training data used for AI algorithms?

A. Using a large dataset that is computationally expensive

B. Using a dataset that represents diverse perspectives and populations

C. Using a dataset that underrepresents perspectives and populations

  Using a dataset that underrepresents perspectives and populations

Explanation: Introducing bias in training data for AI algorithms occurs when the dataset used underrepresents certain perspectives and populations. This type of bias can skew AI predictions, making the system less fair and accurate.
For example, if a dataset predominantly contains information from one demographic group, the AI's performance may not generalize well to other groups, leading to biased or unfair outcomes. Salesforce discusses the impact of biased training data and ways to mitigate this in their AI ethics guidelines, which can be explored further in the Salesforce AI documentation on Responsible Creation of AI.

Cloud Kicks learns of complaints from customers who are receiving too many sales calls and emails. Which data quality dimension should be assessed to reduce these communication Inefficiencies?

A. Duplication

B. Usage

C. Consent


Explanation: “Duplication is the data quality dimension that should be assessed to reduce communication inefficiencies. Duplication means that the data contains multiple copies or instances of the same record or value. Duplication can cause confusion, errors, or waste in data analysis and processing. For example, duplication can lead to communication inefficiencies if customers receive multiple calls or emails from different sources for the same purpose.”

Cloud Kicks wants to ensure that multiple records for the same customer are removed in Salesforce. Which feature should be used to accomplish this?

A. Duplicate management

B. Trigger deletion of old records

C. Standardized field names

  Duplicate management

Explanation: “Duplicate management should be used to remove multiple records for the same customer in Salesforce. Duplicate management is a feature that helps prevent and manage duplicate records in Salesforce. Duplicate management can help define matching rules, duplicate rules, and alert messages to detect and merge duplicate records.”

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